E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Simulating phase inversion processes by coupled map lattice: Towards the theoretical design of food texture and quality in dairy processing from fresh cream to butter via whipped cream", arXiv (2024) arXiv:2411.19641 [cond-mat.soft]. aXv
E. Nozawa, T. Deguchi and T. Takahashi, "Particle size dominance and particle density dominance observed in viscosity increase of emulsion in a coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena", Abstracts of the 72th Rheology Symposium (2024) 154-155 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Introduction of Coupled Map Lattice and Its Application to Simulate the Complex Mechanism of Change from Fresh Cream to Butter via Whipped Cream", Radiation Environment and Medicine 13 (2) (2024) 87. DOI
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Size estimation of air bubbles and butter grains in a coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena", Abstracts of the 71th Rheology Symposium (2023) 78-79 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Jammed Keplerian gas leads to the formation and disappearance of spiral arms in a coupled map lattice for astronomical objects", Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2023 (6) (2023) 063A02. DOI aXv
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Overrun and elasticity in a coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena", Abstracts of the 70th Rheology Symposium (2022) 76-77 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Food texture design with two different phase inversion processes on the viscosity-overrun plane in a coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena", Abstracts of the 69th Rheology Symposium (2021) 84-85 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena: A simulation approach to food texture", AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 5 (6) (2021) 67-70 (in Japanese). Pub
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena such as from cream to butter: An approach to food textures based on the pattern formation of overrun and viscosity in foods", Book of Abstracts of the 18th International Congress on Rheology (2020) 167.
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena: A simple simulator reproducing phase inversion processes such as from cream to butter by whipping", Abstracts of the 68th Rheology Symposium (2020) 1B07 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Coupled map lattice for the spiral pattern formation in astronomical objects", Physica D 405 (2020) 132377. DOI aXv
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Spiral Arms Formed by Jammed Accreting Gas in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects", Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Traffic Flow and Self-driven Particles 23 (2017) 41-44 (in Japanese). PDF
Y. Abe, M. Ishida, E. Nozawa, T. Ootsuka and R. Yahagi, "Cusp singularity in mean field Ising model", European Journal of Physics 38 (2017) 065102. DOI aXv
E. Nozawa, "Modeling and Simulation of the Phase Inversion from Fresh Cream via Whipped Cream to Butter by Coupled Map Lattice", The 7th Bilateral Workshop on Radiation Research and its Related Issues 2024, O28, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2024.
E. Nozawa, "Applications of Coupled Map Lattice: From spiral arms to stars, from whipped cream to butter", invited, Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis to Diverse Fields '24, Tokyo, Japan, November 2024 (in Japanese). Inv
E. Nozawa, T. Deguchi and T. Takahashi, "Particle size dominance and particle density dominance observed in viscosity increase of emulsion in a coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena", The 72th Rheology Symposium, 1C02, Yamagata, Japan, October 2024 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Gas Ejection Dynamics of a Central Star in Translational and Rotational Motions in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects", JPS 79th Annual Meeting, 17pPSB-49, Hokkaido, Japan, September 2024 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, T. Deguchi and T. Takahashi, "Nyukakou no micro to macro wo tsunagu fukuzatsukei simulation approach (A complex system simulation approach linking micro and macro aspects of dairy processing)", Milk Science Symposium 2024, 11, Tokyo, Japan, September 2024 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, T. Deguchi and T. Takahashi, "Tensougenshou no ketsugou shazou koushi: Fukuzatsuna nyu no kakou wo simulation-suru kokoromi (Coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena: An attempt to simulate complex dairy processing)", invited, The CIQuS Workshop collaboration with Rakuno Gakuen University, P8, Hokkaido, Japan, July 2024 (in Japanese). Inv
E. Nozawa, T. Yodokawa, T. Deguchi and T. Takahashi, "Fukuzatsuna nama-cream kakou no simple-na riron-simulation (A simple theoretical simulation for complex fresh cream processing)", The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Biorheology, Tokyo, Japan, June 2024 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Size Estimation of Air Bubbles and Butter Grains Based on the Interfacial Curvature of the Emulsion in a Coupled Map Lattice for Phase Inversion Phenomena", JPS 2024 Spring Meeting, 18aM2-13, online, Japan, March 2024 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Complex systems approach to phase inversion phenomena in food emulsions", invited, Complex Systems Research Exchange, online, December 2023. Inv
E. Nozawa, "Introduction of coupled map lattice (CML) and its application to simulate the complex mechanism of change from fresh cream to butter via whipped cream", The 6th Bilateral Workshop on Radiation Research and its related issues 2023, P08, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2023.
E. Nozawa, T. Deguchi and T. Takahashi, "Tensougenshou no ketsugou shazou koushi: Nama cream kara butter he itaru chourikoutei wo kaimenkeisei ni motoduite tansakusuru fukuzatsukei approach (Coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena: A complex systems approach to explore the cooking operations from fresh cream to butter based on interface science)", The FY2023 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Interface, Yamagata, Japan, November 2023 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Size estimation of air bubbles and butter grains in a coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena", The 71th Rheology Symposium, P39, Ehime, Japan, October 2023 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Information Formation of a Central Star in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects", JPS 78th Annual Meeting, 18pC206-15, Miyagi, Japan, September 2023 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Tensougenshou no ketsugou shazou koushi: Nyuseihin seizou no simulation approach he mukete (Coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena: Towards a simulation approach to dairy production)", Milk Science Symposium 2023, 8, Fukushima, Japan, September 2023 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Coupled map lattice for food texture design: Simulation of phase inversion processes from fresh cream to butter", The 28th IUPAP International conference on Statistical Physics, PSb-98, Tokyo, Japan, August 2023.
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Elasticity and Bubble Size of Emulsion in a Coupled Map Lattice for Phase Inversion Phenomena", JPS 2023 Spring Meeting, 22pPSM-16, online, Japan, March 2023 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Fukuzatsukei approach de mezasu shinshokkanshokuhin no soushutsu (A complex systems approach to the creation of new food textures)", invited, ISSP Women's week 2022 Workshop, Chiba, Japan, November 2022 (in Japanese). Inv
E. Nozawa, "Tensougenshou no ketsugou shazou koushi to sono awadachi ni tomonau dansei henka (Elasticity change with aeration in a coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena)", 21th Kanto Soft Matter, Kanagawa, Japan, October 2022 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Overrun and elasticity in a coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena", The 70th Rheology Symposium, P39, Ishikawa, Japan, October 2022 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Gas Ejection Dynamics of a Central Star in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects", JPS 2022 Autumn Meeting, 12pPSC-33, Tokyo, Japan, September 2022 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena such as from cream to butter: A complex systems approach to food texture design", invited, The 14th Young Soft Webinar, online, Japan, July 2022 (in Japanese). Inv
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Food Texture Design Using Thermal Hysteresis in a Coupled Map Lattice for Phase Inversion Phenomena", JPS 77th Annual Meeting, 15pB10-5, online, Japan, March 2022 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Coupled map lattices for food chains, astronomical patterns, and food textures", invited, ISM Statphys, online, Japan, February 2022 (in Japanese). Inv
E. Nozawa, "Food Texture Design with Two Different Phase Inversion Processes on the Viscosity-Overrun Plane in a Coupled Map Lattice for Phase Inversion Phenomena", invited, Rheology Physics Lecture (Nagoya Univ.), Aichi, Japan, December 2021 (in Japanese). Inv
E. Nozawa, "Tensougenshou no Ketsugou Shazou Koushi to Texture Design (Food Texture Design with a Coupled Map Lattice for Phase Inversion Phenomena)", 20th Kanto Soft Matter, online, Japan, November 2021 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Food Texture Design with Two Different Phase Inversion Processes on the Viscosity-Overrun Plane in a Coupled Map Lattice for Phase Inversion Phenomena", awarded, The 69th Rheology Symposium, SOP31, online, Japan, October 2021 (in Japanese). Awa
E. Nozawa, "Low-dimensional Dynamics of a Central Star in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects", JPS 2021 Autumn Meeting, 22aL3-7, online, Japan, September 2021 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Two Different Phase Inversion Processes on the Viscosity-Overrun Plane in a Coupled Map Lattice for Phase Inversion Phenomena", awarded, JPS 76th Annual Meeting, 12pM2-8, online, Japan, March 2021 (in Japanese). Awa
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena such as from cream to butter: An approach to food textures based on the pattern formation of overrun and viscosity in foods", The 18th International Congress on Rheology, EF35, online (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), December 2020.
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Coupled map lattice for phase inversion phenomena: A simple simulator reproducing phase inversion processes such as from cream to butter by whipping", The 68th Rheology Symposium, 1B07, online (Iwate, Japan), October 2020 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Disappearance Mechanism of Spiral Arms in a CML for Astronomical Objects", JPS 2020 Autumn Meeting, 11aL2-2, online, Japan, September 2020 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Overrun and Viscosity of Whipped Cream in a CML for Phase Inversion Phenomena", JPS 2020 Autumn Meeting, 9aM1-3, online, Japan, September 2020 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Mutualism in a CML for Food Chains and Its Lyapunov Spectrum Analysis", JPS 2020 Autumn Meeting, 8aL1-4, online, Japan, September 2020 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Coupled Map Lattice for Phase Inversion Phenomena II", JPS 75th Annual Meeting, 19aPS-161, online (Aichi, Japan), April 2020 (in Japanese). DOI
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Coupled Map Lattice for Phase Inversion Phenomena", JPS 2019 Autumn Meeting, 12pPSB-60, Gifu, Japan, September 2019 (in Japanese). DOI
E. Nozawa, "Shokumotsurensa to SouriKyousei no Ketsugou Shazou Koushi (Mutualism in a Coupled Map Lattice for Food Chains)", 18th Kanto Soft Matter, Tokyo, Japan, August 2019 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Tentai no Ketsugou Shazou Koushi ni okeru Ude oyobi Hoshi no Keisei (Formation of Spiral Arms and Stars in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects)", 13th Jikososhikika Touronkai, Oita, Japan, June 2019 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Star Formation in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects II", awarded, JPS 74th Annual Meeting, 15aG217-4, Fukuoka, Japan, March 2019 (in Japanese). DOI Awa
E. Nozawa, "Star Formation in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects", JPS 2018 Autumn Meeting, 12aPS-77, Kyoto, Japan, September 2018 (in Japanese). DOI
E. Nozawa, "Coupled Map Lattice for Food Chains", JPS 2018 Autumn Meeting, 11aM102-5, Kyoto, Japan, September 2018 (in Japanese). DOI
E. Nozawa, "Tensougenshou no Ketsugou Shazou Koushi (Coupled Map Lattice for phase inversion processes from cream (O/W emulsion) to butter (W/O emulsion))", 17th Kanto Soft Matter, Chiba, Japan, August 2018 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Analysis of a Coupled Map Lattice Model for the Dynamic Pattern Formation of Astronomical Objects III", JPS 73rd Annual Meeting, 25aPS-47, Chiba, Japan, March 2018 (in Japanese). DOI
E. Nozawa and T. Deguchi, "Spiral Arms Formed by Jammed Accreting Gas in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects", 23rd Symposium on Traffic Flow and Self-driven Particles, Aichi, Japan, December 2017 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Analysis of a Coupled Map Lattice Model for the Dynamic Pattern Formation of Astronomical Objects II", JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting, 24aJ16-11, Iwate, Japan, September 2017 (in Japanese). DOI
E. Nozawa, "Coupled Map Lattice for Spiral Arms and Stars in Cosmology as Dynamical Systems", International workshop on Knots and Polymers, Tokyo, Japan, August 2017.
E. Nozawa, "Tentai no Ketsugou Shazou Koushi ni yoru Douteki Patan Keisei (Dynamic Pattern Formation in a Coupled Map Lattice for Astronomical Objects)", 16th Kanto Soft Matter, Tokyo, Japan, August 2017 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "Analysis of a Coupled Map Lattice Model for the Dynamic Pattern Formation of Astronomical Objects", JPS 72nd Annual Meeting, 19pS-PS-22, Osaka, Japan, March 2017 (in Japanese). DOI
E. Nozawa, "A Coupled Map Lattice Model for the Dynamic Pattern Formation of Astronomical Objects", JPS 2016 Autumn Meeting, 13pAK-13, Ishikawa, Japan, September 2016 (in Japanese). DOI
E. Nozawa, "Tentai Keisei no Ketsugou Shazou Koushi Moderu (Coupled Map Lattice Model for the Formation of Astronomical Objects)", 15th Kanto Soft Matter, Tokyo, Japan, August 2017 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, "A Dynamical System for the Food Chain", 61st Condensed Matter Physics Summer School, PS-75, Nagano, Japan, July 2016 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa and M. Morikawa, "A Coupled Map Lattice Model for Self-Gravitating Systems", JPS 71st Annual Meeting, 20pPSA-63, Miyagi, Japan, March 2016 (in Japanese). DOI
E. Nozawa, "Shokumotsu Rensa no Rikigakukei (Dynamical System for a Food Chain)", Seminar of Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, May 2015 (in Japanese).
E. Nozawa, Short Oral Presentation Award of the 69th Rheology Symposium, October 2021. Awa
E. Nozawa, Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Division 12), March 2021. Awa
E. Nozawa, Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Division 11), March 2019. Awa
E. Nozawa, Moritani Scholarship, April 2018 - March 2021.
E. Nozawa, Chisae Nishikori Scholarship, Ochanomizu University, April 2018 - March 2019. Awa
E. Nozawa, Moritani Scholarship, April 2016 - March 2018.
E. Nozawa, Ouinkai Research Encouragement Award, Ochanomizu University, April 2016. Awa
E. Nozawa, Student Award, Ochanomizu University, December 2015. Awa
E. Nozawa, Kusuda Scholarship, April 2015 - March 2016.
E. Nozawa, Ouinkai Scholarship, Ochanomizu University, February 2015.
E. Nozawa, JGC-S Scholarship, April 2014 - March 2015.
E. Nozawa, Undergraduate Scholastic Achievement Scholarship, Ochanomizu University, April 2014. Awa
E. Nozawa, Kobayashi Ikueikai, April 2012 - March 2016.
E. Nozawa, Migakazuba Scholarship, Ochanomizu University, April 2012. Awa